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ITL Difference


For over 7 years Integrated Technology Lab has provided engineering solutions to the US Navy, Air force and other prime OEM’s. Our commitment to providing our customers with reliable, cost-effective and innovative solutions has made us the MIL-AERO’s preferred one stop shop.


With a full in-house engineering team, Integrated Technology Lab can easily design any custom product to fit your specific needs. Our qualified team of engineers will assist you with Concept, design and manufacturing processes. We produce and test each product so that it is cost-effective and made to spec.


Integrated Technology Lab knows that customer satisfaction relies on meeting flexible schedules. ITL meets this need by stocking thousands of components, cables and chips in house ready for assembly and delivery. ITL stocks all components for legacy products, allowing us to maintain production and support for our products indefinitely.


Need to ask about your order? Have a technical question? Integrated Technology lab provides the ability to call, email, or fax your questions to our product line or customer support teams. We offer one of the fastest response times in the industry. Milestones, forecast adherence and OTD reports available upon request.


Integrated Technology Lab’s leading edge designs, products and services are consistently bench-marked to Mil-Aero rigorous quality standards from raw material to finished products.

Research and Development Programs are completed in-house by experienced staff and each product is subjected to extensive in-house testing. We believe that no project is the same, which is why we value our customer input to meet their requirements.